Community Diabetes Nurse
DiGP employed a Diabetes Nurse Specialist, Angie O’Connor in 2011 who has had a very positive impact on patient care. Angie divides her time between DiGP practices (80%) and the diabetes day centre SIVUH (20%).
The DiGP Diabetes Nurse Specialist Service is available to 30 DiGP practices
Criteria for Referral to DiGP Diabetes Nurse
Patients with HbA1c > 58mmol/mmol (7.5%) for 3 months (suggest prioritise most recently dx first rather than eg. patients dx >10years – as UKPDS study re benefits of early glycaemic control giving cardiovascular protection into the future. Practices will decide on the individual patients who will get most benefit from this service.
Patients who require GLP1 or insulin initiatation
Patients with poor Glycaemic control on insulin therapy
Patients with recurrent hypoglycaemia
Patients with loss of hypoglycaemia awareness
Patients with Type 1 who have DNA hospital clinics-Angie will review and encourage to attend patient to re-engage with secondary care service
Angie can be contacted at
Phone number 085 8894733
The funding for this post has been provided by an unrestricted grants from MSD (3years), Novo Nordisk (4 Years), Sanofi Aventis (5 Years), Astra Zeneca (1 year) and DiGP funding from our annual conference.