
In August 2007 the group succeeded in getting SPRI funding (Strategic Planning, Reform and Implementation- national initiatives and events that will have a significant impact on patient care) for a diabetes nurse facilitator: Katie Murphy.

The HSE has continued to fund this post since then. DiGP acknowledges the contribution of John Greaney, Cardiovascular Nurse Facilitator and Ann Kennelly, Local Health Manager North cork (Lead in Chronic Disease Management, PCCC HSE South) in securing this funding and for their support of this service initiative.

Katie offers assistance to  practices in setting up registers : Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Pre-Diabetes (IGT, IFG), implementing the 2008 Guidelines “A Practical Guide To Integrated Type 2 Diabetes Care” , accessing continuing education  and carrying out the audit.

Katie can be contacted on 086 0566077

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