
UCC Department of General Practice:  Diabetes in Primary Care CPD Module. UCC in collaboration with NUIG provide a 12 week blended learning course Diabetes CPD module for GPs. For further information about the next course contact Katie Murphy by phone 021 420 5557. Further details on the course run at UCC are here : [link_more url=”” text=”Read more”]

UCC Dept of Nursing offer a 5 day module delivered in MUH Cont. Nurse Education Centre.
Application forms are available from: Helen Forbes, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery on +353 (0)21 490 1555
Brookfield Health Science Complex. University College Cork Tel: (021) 4901555. Further information is available here:  [link_more url=”” text=”Read more”]

HSE National Diabetes Nurse Education Programme for Foot Screening. This nurse educational programme developed as part of the National Clinical Care Programme for Diabetes, promotes excellence amongst nurses who provide care to the patient with diabetes. The aim of this national education programme is to facilitate nurses working in primary care to be knowledgeable of, and able to use the National Diabetes Programme 2011 Model of Care for the Diabetic Foot
[link_more url=”” text=”Read more”]

Foot screening and education of the patient with diabetes – a 1/2 day workshop for nurses is provided by Mercy University Hospital Centre of Nurse Education.  Click here for the MUH CNE Educational Prospectus.  Other hospitals and HSE areas may also offer foot screening courses for nurses.

Diabetes in pregnancy – National Diabetes mellitus programme for midwives – to provide midwives with the knowledge and skills to provide optimal care for women with diabetes and their babies during pregnancy labour and the postpartum period. Further information is available here : [link_more url=”” text=”Read more”].

Health Promotion – the HSE Health Promotion departments offer training programmes  to support the crucial role that health professionals play in promotion of health.  This includes courses on dietetic care for type 2 diabetics, XPERT structured dietetic care – what health professionals need to know, group education programmes, smoking cessation interventions, brief interventions for health behaviour change and preventing obesity.  Contact your local HSE Health Promotion team for details of health promotion courses in your area.

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